Sonic Fans must be craving for Sonic And Baby Greed GR. I keep telling you. The Game Not fake. I'm making it. ^_^!? (infinite mode. Now time to speed up)
New abilities has been added to baby cabela.
Now she can use her skills against the enemies and do some damage.
Her abilities are exactly the same as Telekinesis.
Don't cross this baby she can hurt you bad.
I'm doing testing in this world (My work Here)
This building i'm thinking about making a
Scene so the baby character get into the building and enter rooms. Cool A
will also find baby cabela in her walker because she's weak to walk.
Amy also be in the building.
You can only see her in the walker if you switch to baby greed Cool.
That her in the video she once an adult but turn back into a child.
You can go back to her time in GL.
To understand what happened to her and why she's a Baby Again > Yes Journey back in Time.
This affected everyone that came to Sonics Planet.
They were also affected by the crystal.
Of the other side of the Galaxy where Satirist Libs.
You're probably asking me.
What Happened in GL.
The planet was about to blow up it sinking of Fire.
It was terrible destruction of his power ZARE was an evil Monster. Making armies of evil minions.
But those days has passed.
The world is beautiful.
Once more
But how long would it last.
Zare is still alive.
And Sleeping below the world.
Of the time of Kimchi Sword Curse.
Watch beauiful working on it.mp4 from jorgebabyxf on
JorgeBunny The rating of the past (Dark World)
Remember the game is just being tested.
It is not the moment that the game will come.
In ((((REAL TIME)))))
It'll be a long time.
If this game ever goes in real time.
This game call Sonic And Baby Greed Adventure GR The Masters Of The Temple Trust
Is not fake it's real. But you would be able to view the basic testing project.